Fall Descends Upon GL
GL citizens enjoy the annual Color Cruise at the island
The Grand Ledge riverboat takes community members on a tour to view the way the foliage is changing for fall. The 2018 Color Cruise and Island Festival was 39th annual celebration
November 8, 2018

Outside of the gates to the color cruise, locals sold an array of pumpkins to interested community members. Pumpkins lined the entrance of the festival as decorations, and there was even a paint a pumpkin station for children.

Void of the chlorophyll that makes them appear green in the summer, reddish-orange leaves littered the river below. While the Color Cruise festival had multiple fun activities and shops for patrons to enjoy, stopping to admire the changes fall had brought to the landscape was a popular choice.

The last incklings of summer fight their way through cooling temperatures and free falling leaves. The Color Cruise holds its festival to celebrate nature and all that mid-Michigan has to offer.