Comets’ Tale Staff Wins Award
Congratulations to the winners of the Scholastic Awards
Hannah Rose won two Silver Keys, one for her A new beginning for the non-profit article, and one for her Demented Mitten Tours article. Jonathan Callison won a Silver Key for his Whitetail hunting preview article. Raven Nava won a Silver Key for his Crewsies stop the world article. Brandon Foy won a Silver Key for his GL Board of Education bond proposals article and an Honorable Mention for his GLHS swimmer competes in Fiji article.
January 27, 2019
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards is the country’s “longest-running” and “most prestigious” educational award program for young artists, according to the Scholastic Awards website. They accept admissions from student artists and writers all over the country for various scholarships and awards in a variety of creative fields.
Members of The Comets’ Tale staff, several Journalism students and six students from Mrs. Thompson’s class entered the contest in early December by sending in their best articles and graphic designs. After a month of anticipation, the lists are finally out. The results are stunning.
No less than four students received an award called Silver Key. Students who have received this honor are now in the running to win scholarships like the Scholastic Awards Summer scholarship, which would entitle them to attend a summer art or writing program without paying the tuition.
“I was extremely surprised when I found out I had won the awards,” Hannah Rose, Editor in Chief of the Comets’ Tale and the winner of two Silver Keys, said. “I was not really expecting to win anything, especially on both, so it was really exciting to win silver keys.”
This sentiment was echoed by the other winners, Brandon Foy, Raven Nava, and Jonathan Callison. Each of them won one Silver Key, and Foy was awarded an additional honorable mention. Meanwhile in the art contest, Sophia Kraus earned an honorable mention for her ceramics piece.

Sophia Kraus won an Honorable Mention for her ceramic art piece titled “Fungi.”
“I submitted my Bond Proposal article because I feel it is one of the best articles I’ve written,” Foy, Feature Editor for the Comets’ Tale, said in reference to his winning article. “I have not written many news articles, so it was a little bit of a challenge, but it was definitely worth it.”
All of the winners of the award, artists and writers, are excited and grateful to have been recognized by such a prestigious organization, and Grand Ledge High School as well as the Comets’ Tale is proud to have fantastic artists and four spectacular, award-winning writers in their staff.