Glass is based around the three main characters, Mr. Glass, The Beast, and David Dunn.
The Origin Story
Every person has a backstory, a significant moment in their life that will alter who they will become and what they will believe – an origin story.
In the new movie Glass, based around the 2017 Split and 2000 Unbreakable, these significant moments play a crucial role. The main characters’ most devastating memories have shaped their personalities and thoughts to the point that they find themselves stuck in the belief that they are significantly different from all other humans, so much so that the three main characters conclude that they are not just different, but superheros.
While in the movie Split I felt there was a legitimate light shone on the reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Glass seems to have left any sort of educational aspect behind. Instead, it almost makes the disorder feel mythological, as it portrays the characters that have it like superheroes from a comic book. Nevertheless, this change was not totally bad. As a fan of Marvel movies, I felt the sequence of comic book-like events was enthralling. The character development, and just Glass as a whole, was not at all what I was expecting when I saw previews. However, it left me pleasantly surprised.
This movie was full of wild twists and turns that the watcher would never expect. Without giving away too many spoilers, the ending brings about the greatest surprise of all, leaving the movie wide open for a sequel. By the end, the seemingly Marvel movie transforms into a fairly well thought out conspiracy theory. Once this final scene takes place, every thrilling surprise connects in a shocking revelation, like all of the best movies do. This revelation will not just connect the characters story line in an unimaginable way, but adds a completely new dynamic that I never saw coming. It truly brings the movie together and makes it feel less like seperate stories, and more like the cohesive story it was created to be. The ending connected the three main characters in a way that adds to the original stories behind Split and Unbreakable, but also allowed Glass to stand alone for viewers that have not seen the originals. To completely get engrossed within the whole story and feel a greater connection with the characters, I would still greatly recommend seeing the other movies first.
While I missed the educational aspect of the movie, every other part of Glass was fantastic. There is so much of this movie that I want to analyze and go through in depth, but in respect to the moviegoers that are waiting to go see it themselves, all I can say is I would greatly recommend watching it. It is the perfect action-packed movie that will keep its viewers attention through a plethora of shocking reveals and heartfelt moments.