Serving up Senior Year
Photo by Hannah Perri/The Comets' Tale
Senior Peyton Goschka serving during her most recent match. The team won against Waverly, the opposing team.
September 13, 2019
Being benched for an entire season is an athlete’s worst nightmare. Unfortunately, this nightmare came true for Senior Peyton Goschka. Goschka tore her ACL at the beginning of her club volleyball season last winter, and was unable to play for the rest of the year. After ACL surgery and lots of rest, Goschka will return for her senior year on the varsity volleyball team.
“It is really great to be back,” Goschka said. “But I can tell that I am not where I used to be as a player. However, [I’ve been making] improvements…with every practice.” Goschka is an outside hitter on the volleyball team. She also plays all the way around, and has been on the varsity team at GLHS for two years. Goschka’s recovery process from her ACL surgery lasted a little over six months.
“At first, my recovery focus was on walking again,” Goschka said. “I gradually started working towards running, weight lifting, and squatting. The hardest thing about my recovery was patience because I wanted to get back as soon as I could.” This process was not only physically challenging, but emotionally challenging as well. She was forced to be benched for the rest of the club season, as well as her softball season in the spring. Goschka has been on the varsity softball team since her sophomore year and was devastated to miss that season.
“Having to miss softball too was really hard for me,” Goschka said. “I went from doing what I loved everyday to not being able to do anything at all. I still went and supported my team, but it was hard.” Junior year was a tough year for Goschka, but she is determined to give senior year her all. Goschka will be playing both volleyball and softball this year, as she make strides towards becoming the player that she used to be for herself and her team.
“I am looking forward to returning to where I was as a player, and building the chemistry between my team so we can dominate this year.” ACL surgery is a long recovery, but Goschka is ready for her senior season and to finish high school with a bang. The next volleyball games will be Sep. 10 at home, and Sep. 12 at Lansing Everett High School. For more information regarding the volleyball season, visit for the full game schedule.