Glyphosate in Grand Ledge
The schools use of the most controversial herbacides in history is being questioned by the community.
October 22, 2019
The Grand Ledge school district has, upon the heels of a national lawsuit that awarded millions to Roundup exposure cancer victims, chosen to bring back the use of Roundup on school grounds. The toxic herbicide has been used on school grounds in the past but was taken out of use, so why would they bring this proven carcinogen back? Why are they covering the grounds of our schools, a place where the communities developing minds and bodies are, with toxins?
Roundup has been known to cause a plethora of life-altering to threatening ailments and diseases. The potential side effects of Roundup exposure are, but not limited to: ADHD, cancers of various natures (brain, breast, and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), reproductive problems, chronic respiratory illness, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and infertility. Given the severity of Roundup exposure complications, it, nor any product containing its main ingredient glyphosate, should be used on our school grounds.
Grand Ledge High School biology teacher Jeffery Darden opposed the use of and expressed concern for the potential side effects of Roundup exposure upon our communities children and for his own well being. And while being exposed to round up is dangerous for people of all ages, the concern may be aimed across the street from the high school at the elementary school, where they are quite literally spraying the playgrounds with poison.
An independent study conducted by scientists at the University Of Washington has shown up to a 41% increase in cancer risk after Roundup exposure.
An independent study conducted by scientists at the University Of Washington has shown up to a 41% increase in cancer risk after Roundup exposure, though there are some conflicting opinions on this topic. Although it is important to look at both sides of an issue objectively, it is hard to always trust the validity of the opinions of Roundup supporters when it was proven that Roundup’s owner Monsanto paid industry front groups to claim Roundup was safe when they knew otherwise. They also spend millions of dollars every year on lobbying, and currently have 794 clients lobbying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) alone; the agency who continuously lets Monsanto skirt regulations and also erroneously claims that Roundup is “safe”. But the schools reasoning for its use is the EPA’s refusal to call it a carcinogen. Based on Monsanto’s influence through lobbying the EPA can not be trusted on this front. Furthermore, when we take an objective look at independent studies it becomes shockingly clear Roundup is not a safe substance, one that certainly should not be at our, nor any school.