Fall Fashion Favorites
Students at GLHS share their favorite fall outfits to wear when the weather gets colder
Photo by Brandon Foy/The Comets' Tale
Fall leaves paint the skies of Grand Ledge. Grand Ledge students take advantage of the season to wear their favorite fall fashions.
November 3, 2019

Senior Emily Winkler in her favorite fall scarf. Winkler got her scarf from Shoe Carnival, and loves to sport it as soon as the weather changes. “I was very surprised to find such a cute scarf at a store like Shoe Carnival, but I’m very glad I found it,” Winkler said. Scarves can go with just about any look, and compliment any outfit with a flare of sophistication, and comfortability.
For Freshman Jaimee Winkler, fall is her favorite season to wear her Doc Martens. Winkler and her sister Emily share the trendy boots and wear them as frequently as they can. “I love my boots because they’re very fashionable, and fit my style very well,” Winkler said. Doc Martens became a huge trend in fashion the past few years. Many people wear them with almost any and every outfit.
Carhartt beanies became popular last winter, and have already started making a reappearance this year. Junior Elizabth Lopez has one in white, and she enjoys wearing it on cold days. Whether wearing a Carhartt hat with a more casual look, or even with a dressier look, these beanies work with any outfit.
For Senior Abby Kennaugh, cabin socks are a must when the weather turns colder. Cabin socks work with any outfit, whether it be Birkenstocks, boots, or high tops. “I personally like wearing vans with my cabin socks because it is a cute combination,” Kennaugh said. Many students at GLHS wear cabin socks with any outfit, as they are comfortable and the perfect Christmas gift.
Big sweaters have always been a favorite. Senior Mandy Williams loves her sherpa, which she got as a Christmas present last year from Target.
Flannel shirts have been around for what seems like forever, but typically become popular as fall comes to life. If Senior Brandon Foy could wear his flannels every day of fall, he would, as they are comfortable yet cute.