Meet the Comets
Winky the Comet meets elementary school Comets before the event. Many of these young Grand Ledge students participated in the Youth Basketball program.
December 16, 2019
Meet the Comets was a family fun event that takes place every year at the high school, that kicks off the intro to all winter sports introducing the coaches and players. For the 2019 school year, the event took place on Nov. 26, doors opened at 5:45PM. Once the doors opened, students of various ages with their parents made their way into the new gym. Many winter sports participated in this event such as basketball, gymnastics, wrestling, pom, and competitive cheer. The athletes on different teams arranged various activities for younger children, students, and even raffles for the adults. The basketball team had a game for elementary students, involving doing a short run and ending with making a basket. High School students were also invited to participate in musical chairs. The cheer, gymnastics, pom, and basketball team put together different themed baskets for the adults to win in a raffle, which was called after every small event. Soon after one of these raffles, the gymnastics team hit the mats to perform their carefully practiced routine.
However, the gymnastics team is not the only one to rile up the crowd. Soon after, the competitive cheer team, as well as the freshman, jv, and varsity pom teams performed selective routines before introducing this years new Comets. As the comets prepared to be announced, the lights dimmed and the announcements began. As the announcer said the number and names, the Comets made their way through the glowing pathway through the gym and stopping for a moment to acknowledge the crowd. After every player was announced, the team stood in the middle of the gym to take their team photo.
Once the gym had calmed down from the excitement, a few more activities took place. Soon after everyone exits, this year’s basketball team was available for team poster signings, as well as photos. The teams are very focused in preparations for upcoming games and competitions.