How The Kim And Kanye Divorce Is Going

March 4, 2021
So what’s the latest news on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s divorce? There’s quite a bit going on but here I’ll explain the main points and most important details. After seven years of marriage, Kim filed for divorce on February 19th, the relationship was getting pretty stressful for her. It is a prenuptial agreement so the process for them is calm and not out of control. There are also many opinions on what other people think about this topic and what they are saying about it.
There are many reasons why a couple might get a divorce or decide to break up from a relationship. In Kim and Kanye’s case the reason for their divorce is because they’ve been growing apart from each other over, eonline states their daughter North, “has some understanding of what’s going on, but mostly the kids have always seen them apart so it isn’t super surprising.” with Kanye living in a different state and their kids mostly being with Kim it makes it obvious that North would think that. Another reason is because they both have big differences in their lives and seem to be living on their own. Eonline quotes again, “Kim and Kanye are committed to co-parenting, although the Famous rapper hasn’t been around much” an example of this mentioned by kardashiandish who said, “The latest we’d heard about the famous couple is that they were basically living separate lives, with a source noting last month, ‘Their lives don’t overlap much.” Living apart from one another can be hard in a relationship, and considering how much time Kim and Kanye spent each other makes some sense why they came to an end.
Kim and Kanye seem to want the divorce to be done as quickly and effortlessly as possible. . Elle talks about the view of both Kim and Kanye, describing it not being out of control. When talking about Kim, Elle quotes, “The couple has ‘no drama’, “Kim has been spending this time getting everything in order so that the divorce can go as smoothly as possible,’ the source explained. ‘It has been an overwhelming process, but the divorce is something she knew had to happen. So having as much fame as Kim and Kanye has, it’s a smart idea to be cautious and have some control over the amount of drama that can be caused by something as big as a divorce. Elle also talks a little bit on Kanye’s view of the situation quoting, “He knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make it any easier,’ the source said. ‘This is a somber day for him.” Considering the problems they have been having it makes sense that Kanye was expecting something like this to happen as well as it being difficult for him especially when Elle said they had a strong connection.
So that’s the latest news on the divorce between Kim and Kanye, but why should we care about it? Kim and Kanye are both world known celebrities and both have their own crowd of fans. Some of those fans would like to know about what’s happening in their lives and some news casters spread the news because it’s new things to talk about and to inform people what’s going on in the world. The divorce between Kim and Kanye is a great resource to talk about for some news.