The Hype on Grey’s Anatomy

The cast of Grey’s Anatomy is full of diversity. Viewers can learn more about the characters on the roller coaster of this show.
March 25, 2021
Grey’s Anatomy is a popular TV drama revolving around the medical field. People (mostly women) are raving over it! How could you blame them? There are so many twists and turns to keep the viewers on their toes. Disclaimer, I do discuss content from this season. If you have not watched it, please do not read further.
Grey’s Anatomy was created by Shonda Rhimes and originally aired in 2005. Since then, the series has published 17 seasons, with more than 300 episodes. The name Grey’s Anatomy came from the show’s main character, Meredith Grey, and the show’s medical theme.
“The word grey in the show’s title also highlights the complex situations in which Meredith and her colleagues find themselves, where there are no clear-cut black-and-white solutions.” (Britannica, 2018)
The focus of this series is not only the medical profession but the personal lives of medical interns and their mentors. Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and her peers face obstacles, first as interns striving to become residents and later as residents who must define their career paths while mentoring interns of their own.
“The intense demands of the medical profession necessitate a strong support group, but the relationships that emerge often exacerbate the already difficult tasks of maturing in medicine and in life.” (Britannica, 2018)
The show is not intended for younger audiences as it contains gruesome images and adult content. The adult content is represented by the cast’s indescribable and eventful love lives. Characters fall in love with their co-workers, patients, and some may unknowingly fall in love with their siblings. All relationships in this show come with battles, from death to forbidden love.
Grey’s Anatomy has been nominated for numerous awards. Also, cast members have been nominated and had the privilege of winning awards for their performances on the show.
“The series enjoyed top 10 ratings, earned numerous Emmy Award nominations, and won the 2007 Golden Globe for best drama.” (Britannica, 2018).
This series follows Merideth Grey as she takes on the challenges of becoming a doctor. Now, the series is in its 17th season and Meredith Grey has evolved substantially. Grey went from an intern that practically got bought into her surgical program, to an award-winning doctor. Grey’s Anatomy is known for its drama and drastic plot twists. Rhimes has incorporated twists such as a plane crash, a fatal car crash, shootings, bombings, floods, department changes, clinical trials, and emotional rollercoasters among the cast throughout the 17 aired seasons. The fact that this series has continued for 17 seasons and viewer rates continue to grow shows how well-rounded the show is.
This season has only been aired for a few months but I have never experienced the emotional rollercoaster that this season has brought. Since covid’s a thing, Rhimes wrote this season revolving around the virus. She sketches a picture of the reality of the world and what frontline workers are dealing with. With that being said, Rhimes created more heartache this season by involving the main characters with the virus. Spoiler Alert, Meredith Grey ends up contracting the coronavirus, leaving her on a ventilator. This is a devastation to the show since the series revolves around Grey. What’s going to happen if she doesn’t make it through? Is this the last season? It can’t be. The viewers have gone through so much in the short time this season has been on the air. Due to the extent of Grey’s case, it is not known at this time if she will survive. Rhimes has done the unthinkable. She created false heaven for Meredith to interact with past characters. This left viewers sobbing! In the first episode of this season, Rhimes brought back Grey’s late husband, Derek Shepherd. Tears were streaming down my face watching it. We also see George O’Malley and later Andrew Deluca. The purpose of this false heaven is to allow Grey to decide when it’s her time to go. Grey is a fighter, and even though there are 17 seasons, it is too soon for her to go. I don’t think I can handle her passing or the series ending.
In the last episode, Andrew Deluca was stabbed while following a child trafficker. He was sent to trauma and had emergency surgery. This ties into the false heaven because before his time of death was declared, he and Grey talked about staying or going. Both characters do not know what to do. Eventually, Deluca decides it’s time to go. His mother is seen on the other side of the beach (false heaven) and Deluca runs to her. At this time, Deluca was declared dead.
Other doctors on the show are struggling with not only the virus, but their team becoming sick. The characters quarantine, wear proper PPE and work to turn the hospital into a covid zone. The mental health of the characters is rapidly becoming harmful. The virus is a lot to take in and hard to control. We also witness other tragedies this season with Dr. Miranda Bailey’s mother passing from the disease. As more episodes air, the more devastation the viewers feel. I hate the anticipation for Thursday nights now, all I want to know is what is going to happen next.
This year, women have been big on female empowerment, and all across the world, there has been a fight against diversity. Shonda Rhimes is well known for her diverse cast and strong female characters. When auditioning, some cast members did not think they were going to be able to get the part because of their race, Rhimes changed that for them. Rhimes created the show so that females would run the heads of each department (K. Avery- Harper Avery Foundation, Bailey- Chief of Surgery, Grey- General, Torrez-Ortho, Robbins-Pediatrics, A. Shepherd- Neuro, Montgomery- OB/GYN, and Pierce-Cardio). By no means were the female characters given the roles as heads of the department. They worked for it and that’s so important. What Rhimes portrays in the plot of Grey’s Anatomy proves that women can do anything. It shows that women are strong, resilient, and can “do the dirty work.”
Rhimes also focused heavily on female empowerment. Each female character supported one another no matter the condition. They were always there to “talk it out” or more importantly, “dance it out.” I have never seen a TV show where there was so much female support. The medical field is challenging, but the ladies never hesitated to lift each other up. Watching how the women of Seattle Grace and Grey Sloan Hospital interact motivates me to become better as a woman. Rhimes’ message of women supporting women is heavily portrayed in this series.
The evolution of Grey’s Anatomy is truly magnificent. Before watching, I never, and I mean never cried while watching a show or movie. Shonda Rhimes was able to not only bring out the emotions of her fictional characters but bring out the emotions in her viewers. Also, there was always a character for everyone to connect with. You could always form a bond with a friend or family member by the show. It allowed me to spend time with my family. This show has also provided an outlet from the world because of its storyline. Watching it made me forget about the world around me and focus on the moment. I love how Rhimes portrays women. It motivates me every day to become better. Overall, this show is one to watch, especially this season. It is full of romance, drama, comedy, and emotions. At first, I didn’t think that I would like it, but I was drawn in. Give this show a chance! I would not change the hours I spent binge-watching this show. I love the rollercoaster of the storyline. Stop what you are doing right now, and go watch Grey’s Anatomy.