Giving a Helping Hand
Members of NHS posing with their new shirts for the year. They were also choosing new executive roles.
November 1, 2021
The National Honor Society is finally back and ready to go. Members now get more opportunities to help out their community in more ways than last year.
For those who don’t know, the National Honor Society or “NHS”, is a program that helps students build leadership roles. The members get to help the general public by doing voluntary work. They also run fundraisers throughout the school year.
“NHS helps students run and foster qualities they will need beyond high school, allowing them to practice these qualities in multiple spheres.” Mrs. Read said, a co-advisor for the program.
The members have to complete 10 volunteer hours each trimester as well as an extra 15 hours during the summer to keep their membership. If members decide they want to do more than the required hours after their quota is met they will be rewarded.
“Three students who document the greatest amount of service hours over the course of their time in NHS, earn scholarships for $500, $250, and $100.” Mrs. Lutz said, another co-advisor for the club.
On September 13th members were notified that Junior nominations are here. The Junior nominations are held each year to pick new members for the executive board. All members get to pick their nominees for a spot. The spots available are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Those roles get switched out yearly. Only Juniors can be nominated. It was revealed on Oct. 12, 2021 who the new members of the executive board are. For President Mia Anderson was chosen, Pedro Chavez got the Vice-President role. Linda Dang got Secretary, Joshua Hall got Treasure, and for the Historian role Josie Parish.
For those interested in knowing what those positions are, the Secretary is the person who records the voluntary hours of members and their attendance, the Treasurer is responsible for the club’s funds, and the Historian is the one responsible with managing the social media and notifying club members of meeting and volunteer opportunities;
If any Sophomores or Juniors are interested in joining the program they can fill out an application at the end of the school year. However, there are some requirements that applicants must meet to be able to join.
“Sophomores and Juniors are invited to apply at the beginning of T3 if they have a 3.5 weighted cumulative GPA or better.” Mrs. Lutz said. “Then to be inducted as members they need to demonstrate through their application leadership potential, excellent character, and a desire to serve our community.”
Joining will not only help students develop leadership skills they will also get the chance to help their community.