2022, Can you Live up to the Expectations?
New Years Eve is filled with people celebrating a fresh start. For many, 2021 was a rough year, and they were ready to move on.
January 6, 2022
With 2021 finally in the past, it is time to officially make plans for the new year and what is to come. So many topics to discuss, such as what are students’ new year resolutions? What school events should students look forward to this year? As well as, how is COVID continuing to affect students this year?
As the new year approaches, majority of people start putting together their new year resolutions to make the next year their best year yet. Whether you’re a senior in highschool, a senior in college, or senior citizen, you have expectations and plans for the new year.
In a google form sent out to Grand Ledge Students, their resolutions included wanting to start the new year off by drinking more water, exercising more, and working on getting good grades. Students also said they want to work on bettering themselves and working towards their future.
Now that we have reached 2022, the class of 2022 finally gets to graduate and decide what great things they are going to do with their lives. Seniors said they were looking forward to seeing each other walk across the stage and receive their diploma. That will be a both sad and proud moment for every student and their families.
Underclassmen and Juniors still have five months of school left to spend with the Seniors. And Seniors, make sure to soak up what is left of highschool this year.
Other than the graduation of the Senior class, other events students can look forward to this year include spring sports, the rest of the basketball season, and Prom. One other event to look forward to is the spring musical, which is going to be High School Musical.
Hopefully the plan of these events can continue even with the spread of COVID-19 getting worse. COVID-19 has had such a huge impact on everyone’s lives the past two years, so maybe this will be the year the world can finally get over it and return to “normal”.
With other schools around Grand Ledge deciding to go virtual again, it’s a concern whether or not Grand Ledge will also return to virtual school. Unfortunately, only time will tell.
COVID-19 has taken away large parts of students’ childhood and highschool experience, so it is students hope that it does not get to take anything more from them.
As many can see, people have large expectations for this year, so, is 2022 going to be the year everyone hopes it to be?