Soak up the Sun or Have Winter Fun?
Summer and winter are polar opposites seasons. Some students at GLHS shared their opinions the seasons.
April 29, 2022
Did you know that summer increases mental health? Summer is arguably the best season. Pools are open, flowers are blooming, the weather is beautiful, and outdoor activities are endless. Summer is a very enjoyable time of year not only for me, but for many others. It is the best time of year in our opinion, but does everyone agree with that?
One of the big activities that I enjoy doing during the summer is swimming. Since it is summer, the temperatures go up and what better way to cool off than taking a nice dip in the pool. Swimming is very enjoyable, especially when you have friends with you. Swimming is not only fun, but is a great way to get good exercise.
Another great thing about summer is that you are able to travel to more places. This is the greatest time of the year to travel, because you get to see and experience wonderful things like going to a beach or going to northern Michigan or going to cool places that are a lot closer to home like some students in Grand Ledge High School.
“[Going to] The beach is probably my favorite thing,” said Tory Berk, a sophomore student at GLHS, “I go up to Grand Haven or I go to littles lakes around the upper peninsula and play in the water with my dog.”
Traveling is pretty awesome, but guess what is also awesome? Ice cream and popsicles! The best thing to do after a long hot day during the summer is to get a cold ice cream or popsicle to cool off and enjoy. I personally prefer to eat strawberry ice cream rather than anything else. Other GLHS students have other thoughts whether it should be ice cream or popsicles.
“Ice cream 100%,” said Yamene Sathishkumar “I would say Mocha and Coffee are my favorite [flavor].”
Summer is right around the corner which means we can all start doing these fun packed activities. Whether you are swimming, traveling, or just hanging out with friends it is good to enjoy the nice weather and make the most of it.
Winter is a cold and snowy season, where the temperature drops and snow falls. It is a special time of year, with a special kind of icy weather.
The season completely changes the landscape of northern areas it affects, covering it in layers of snow and ice. Activities such as snowboarding, skiing, and sledding are able to be performed when winter comes around. Building a snowman is also something that many people do for entertainment during the cold months. Snowmen themselves have existed since the middle ages, and they were built to find a silver lining in oppressive societies, starvation, poverty, and other life-threatening conditions.
It is nice to sit inside during a snowy day, drink some hot chocolate and read a book. Hot chocolate is a very popular winter beverage, with marshmallows and whipped cream on top. Sometimes people put designs on top with the cream, similar to coffee.
It’s also the time of year that a huge holiday takes place, Christmas. Christmas is a staple of the winter season, being one of the most popular holidays of the year. It’s a holiday where presents and family traditions are celebrated. Winter is a beautiful time of year.