Finland and Sweden talks of joining NATO
May 23, 2022
Finland, a famously neutral country, has announced they have plans to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Finland shares an over 800-mile border with Russia, who are for obvious reasons, displeased with this news. Russian president, Vladimir Putin, made it clear, “end of the traditional policy of military neutrality would be a mistake since there is no threat to Finland’s security”. Finland does not see it this way, they see the attack on unaffiliated Ukraine as proof Russia does not respect neutral countries. And in the event of Russian retaliation, being a part of NATO, Finland would receive support from the western alliance in accordance with Article 5 which states an attack on any member should be viewed as an attack on all members.
Another of Finland’s direct neighbors, Sweden, have also made joining NATO a clear goal. This is less of a threat to Russian security, as they are not direct neighbors, but the Kremlin still expressed distaste for the news. Sweden’s other neighbor, Norway, was a founding member of NATO, and with the news of Finland’s plans, Sweden did not want to be the only Nordic country not affiliated with NATO. The fear was that Russia would see them as vulnerable and therefore a target.
As time continues to pass and Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, countries will continue to join NATO. Seeing countries like Sweden and Finland join NATO, unaffiliated countries all over the eastern hemisphere will be inspired to apply and branch the organization more. As the strength of NATO increases, so do the worries of Russia.