A Month to Be Aware
High Schoolers Cody Nelson and Blaine Culy both have and know someone with ADHD. October ADHD Awareness Month helped them and their friends end their struggles with the disorder and live normal lives.
November 10, 2022
ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that affects both children and adults, yet people are still uneducated on what it means. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and it is marked by an ongoing pattern of impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. It is also considered as a chronic and debilitating disorder that is known to impact an individual in many aspects of life.
People diagnosed with ADHD deal with their struggle on the daily. A study done by PubMed Central in 2021 noted that approximately 5% of children and adolescents worldwide are affected by ADHD. Another study by Cambridge Core conducted in 2019 found that people with ADHD are three times more likely to commit suicide are more likely to be depressed.
Raising awareness for ADHD helps create welcoming, accessible schools and workplaces along with improving the quality of life for those with a diagnosis. Awareness can also increase the likelihood of a person with ADHD getting a diagnosis and proper treatment from a doctor. Campaigns are a great source that people are using to now spread awareness.
Another study that was recorded by PubMed Central was conducted in 2020, and found that the promotion of awareness for ADHD in general practitioners increased their knowledge. This fines evidence for the fact that campaigns, specifically ones aimed towards doctors, can help spread knowledge. It also finds proof that doctors who know more information about ADHD can improve the access for people with a diagnosis to long-term quality treatment.
In the classroom, ADHD can become a distraction for more children than just the child with the disorder. When given a diagnosis, children usually receive school services that can help them succeed. In Grand Ledge High School, accommodations like extra time for homework and tests have helped teens with ADHD stay on task and successful in their studies.
According to research by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, only 9.4% of children in the United States are diagnosed with ADHD. Grand Ledge High School Student, Addison Schamehorn, said, “I didn’t get diagnosed until I was in seventh grade, but once I did I thought about how I didn’t really know much about it or think I had the right symptoms,” explaining what it was like getting her diagnosis. Many people do not know much more than the common symptoms of the disorder, “Once I started reading about it and seeing campaigns and social media influencers talking about it, I started feeling comfortable with my diagnosis and even talk about it myself” Schamehorn adds.
Before taking the time to sit and learn about ADHD, the only information people obtain about it are the common stereotypes and misconceptions. These myths can have people believing things about ADHD, like it is a result of bad parenting or that it is not even a real diagnosis. The truth is, anyone can be diagnosed with Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and that is why it is so important to talk about.
It is always important to know the truth, but it is even better to stop the spread of misconceptions. Even just talking about ADHD helps educate people, as well as campaigns, media posts, and more. Overall the biggest significance of ADHD Awareness month is to show people that ADHD isn’t just for a month, but everyday life.