Grand Ledge held their winter formal last week on January 20th. Unfortunately, the snow days affected Spirit Week and the pep assembly before the dance. Students could not dress up for themes that the student council had planned on those days which left some students upset because it’s not being rescheduled.
“It was disappointing not being able to experience the whole spirit week

(Photo by Annie Grew/The Ledge Yearbook)
and the student council got really discouraged and we lost all of our spark for homecoming week,” Sophie Cook, a member of the student council said.
With the snow days, preparation for the pep assembly was cut short, giving the student council less time to prepare. Although the pep assembly went well, the mics had some difficulties.
“I don’t think the pep assembly was bad, it was just very rushed and we had some problems with the mics so no one could hear anything,” student council member Gianna Naccarato said.
Due to the snow days, students became less interested in attending the pep assembly and participating in spirit week on the days that there was school.
“I was talking to students throughout the day asking if they were excited about the pep assembly and most of them just told me they were going home instead,” science teacher Mrs. Mulle said.
Although the week was cut short, the Grand Ledge council did their best to create a good pep assembly and raise the Comet spirit on the days there was school. Even though things didn’t work out as planned, the students at Grand Ledge enjoyed the dance and thought it was successful. “Although there weren’t a lot of people at the dance, I had a fun time and the DJ was really good,” senior Madison Bartlett said.