As the 2025 new year stumbles upon Grand Ledge High School, the age-old question, “What are your New Year’s resolutions?” is being brought back to light.
When asking this amongst the students, the answer varies. Whether it may be traveling more, getting your license, or to stop procrastinating, many people are thinking about a change.
With a new year comes new beginnings. Entering high school is a good time to try new things and explore outside of your comfort zone.
“My New Year’s resolution is to try new things because I want to try getting out of my box, being able to try new foods and not being afraid of saying yes to things. So far it’s been going really well,” junior Shelby Mercer said.
Trying new things is a common resolution people have for themselves to expand their palettes, whether that be trying new foods, a different style of clothes, or even traveling.
“My New Year’s resolution is to travel outside of the country so that I can try new foods and walk the streets [of new places], but not only that, I also want to work on my inner and outer being,” sophomore Max Bouck said.
Nowadays, mental health has become an important topic throughout all ages, but especially in teenagers. Focusing on creating resolutions that strengthen one’s mental health and help to create a better mindset is a topic that has taken rise.
Junior Donovan Musloff has created his resolutions in effort of this.
“My New Year’s resolutions are to become better both physically and mentally. I want to achieve these because I believe they will help me grow as a person and I think that I can keep working on improving throughout not only this year but the rest of my life.”