Print Publications
The Comets’ Tale publishes print publications and distributes them to the students and staff of Grand Ledge High School every other month.
Grand Ledge High School24Dewitt High School59Dec 10 / Girls Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School28Hartland High School46Dec 17 / Girls Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School57Ferndale Schools79Dec 14 / Boys Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School61Holt High School51Dec 13 / Boys Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School32Holt High School64Dec 13 / Girls Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School24Dewitt High School59Dec 10 / Girls Varsity Basketball
Grand Ledge High School28Hartland High School46Dec 17 / Girls Varsity Basketball