2..4..6..8..It’s Spirit Week, Participate!
Students from all grades participate in school spirit. Most dressed up every single day.
From the crazy costumes, to the plethora of color, Spirit Week is a time for students to express their school spirit. At most schools, Spirit Week is a staple of homecoming. Each day, students are asked to dress up according to different themes related to Homecoming. This year, Grand Ledge High School’s theme was “We Got The Beat”.
“Each day is based on a song,” Tabitha Gilbert, the Student Council senior class treasurer, said. “At the pep assembly, each grade is a different decade.” This year’s Fall Spirit Week days were, “Dream On”, “Let’s Get Physical”, “Country Roads”, “Party in the USA”, and “Our House.” For “Dream On,” the school was asked to wear pajamas, and for “Let’s Get Physical” they dressed in workout clothes. For “Country Roads,” students wore country outfits, and for “Party in the USA” the attire was red, white, and blue. For the last day, “Our House”, students were decked out in Grand Ledge gear. Most students participate at least a little bit, some go all out on every day, and others do not participate at all.
“I don’t participate in spirit week because I’m too lazy and don’t have the time to pick out clothes,” Cortez Martinez, a freshman at Grand Ledge High School, said. Participation varies from grade to grade because it can be time consuming, but most have fun with it. Most seniors seem to participate in some way because it is their last year to do so. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors have a couple more years before they graduate, so participation is more sparse.
“I participate in spirit week because it is fun,” Emily Price, a freshman, said. “It gets me into the school spirit and very excited for the football game.”
Student Council prepares for Spirit Week in hopes of hyping up the school.
“The whole point is to get people super excited for homecoming,” Gilbert said. The Student Council works hard to make sure the themes are engaging and fun for the whole school. They meet during the summer, and vote for the overarching theme and the specific days. They work tirelessly so the entire school can get into school spirit.
Spirit week allows the game to be more anticipated and feel special because it has a week long build up.

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