High School Teachers High Stakes Resolutions
2020, the year of hindsight or perfect vision, is finally here.
GLHS Teachers tell about the things they hope to accomplish this year.
January 17, 2020
Teacher’s goals may revolve around different things, like their classes or personal lives, but they still want to succeed as much as the students they teach.
While resolutions are a controversial topic, “most people don’t follow them. My mom asks why I didn’t do something positive? Because I’m probably not going to keep it,” Cameron Grant, a senior said.
Others believe that resolutions can be a positive thing, “They’re great! It lets you get insight on the things that you don’t like about yourself,” Bryce Dunn, a senior at Grand Ledge High School says. Remember, too, as with any year, the focus is on bettering oneself. While it is important that goals that are set can be attained, it’s important to not feel down if those aren’t reached.
With the beginning of a new decade, here is a look at what Grand Ledge High School teachers hope to accomplish in the coming year.
“To declutter and organize my house,” Mrs. Auge, teacher of PHW and Family in Society, said.
“To work out more, start going for my walk again and getting fresh air, as well as eating healthier,” Frau Firtl, the German teacher at the high school, said.
“Fitness is always a thing for me, and eating healthier.” said Mrs. Brunk, algebra teacher, “I listened to a podcast and I’m going to work on gratitude…like a gratitude journal…writing down something I’m grateful for. Gratitude is something I’m really working on..just being more cognizant about it.”
“Teach my classes better, to figure out a way to engage my classes more,” says Mr. McDonnell, a science teacher at the high school, about his goal for the year.
“[I do not] do [new year’s resolutions] anymore because I never kept them and not keeping them made me feel like I was failing myself,” Ms. Haney (Dankers) said.