Empowering or Outrageous?

The 2020 Super Bowl halftime show sparked controversy for its halftime show starring singing sensations Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

Illustration by Kelly Morgan

The 2020 Super Bowl halftime show sparked controversy for its halftime show starring singing sensations Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

Naomi Tijerina, Staff Writer

Many people believed that the 2020 Halftime show was not family-friendly. This is true for some parts of the performance, but it did show a powerful message. Shakira and Jennifer Lopez’s achievements gave the message of empowerment and freedom, both for Latinas and women. People judged them for being “too sexy” and chose to ignore what they were teaching America. They were giving us a message that we should have learned a long time ago.

        Shakira and J.LO are extremely beautiful, and no one should be mad at them for using that power in their performance. Shakira used her talent as a belly dancer, which is a type of dance that you need to be incredibly strong and healthy to do. Jennifer Lopez used her skills at pole dancing which you also have to be extremely strong to do successfully. They both looked beautiful and, yes, it may have been too sexy for young children, but it sent an amazing message to all women and girls. They taught us to use what we have got and that to become successful we need to work for it. We should never expect to get anything that we do not work for. We should want to work for everything that we dream of becoming, it makes you feel strong and empowered. 

        As for their message towards Latinas and Latinos, they show us how powerful they can be and how their choices affect their future. They must never let others take control of their lives. And that goes for anyone no matter what race, orientation, religion, etc. We are the people in charge of our destiny, no one else is and we must remember that. The best part of the performance, in my opinion, is when Emme Lopez, J.LO’s daughter, sang “Born in the USA” and “Let’s Get Loud”, because she represented American freedom. Emme represents freedom because she, along with, other girls began their performance by sitting in cage-like circles and then it is like they break free. It was a very powerful performance and extremely important.