Pumpkin Spice Latte

I’ve never tried a Pumpkin Spice Latte before, so this was a new experience for me. There’s a lot more pumpkin than spice in the flavoring. The drink left a long-lasting taste in my mouth, which was a little unpleasant, so I recommend having gum or a water bottle with you when you’re done with the drink. It seems a lot more flavorful than most lattes, at least that I’ve drank, so if you’re looking for a sweet fall pumpkin-y drink, then this is the one for you!

Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
For most people, fall brings up thoughts of warm fires and cozy drinks, and although it seems this drink is the opposite of this, it was the perfect blend between summer and fall. While the cold coffee brought memories of hot summer days, the pumpkin flavor prepared me to enter the coziness of fall. This drink is far less sweet than other cold brews. The pumpkin flavor is only present in the cold foam, so if you are a person looking for a coffee drink with a hint of fall flavoring – and a lot of caffeine – then this drink is perfect for you!

Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Tea Latte
If you love chai, this is the drink for you. The word “fall” is represented in this drink. I love chai and you can definitely taste it within this drink. The top is coated with the spices of pumpkin while underneath is chai filled. If you’re wanting an iced morning drink for fall, choose this!

Iced Apple Crisp Oat Milk Shaken Espresso
This drink is a nice treat to have in the morning, with lots of espresso and great apple taste. I was really tired then I tried it and it woke me up immediately. It’s so good that I’d recommend it to anyone.

Apple Crisp Oat Milk Macchiato
The first sip of the drink was a pleasant surprise. The taste of apple and oat milk both come through surprisingly well but I wouldn’t recommend this drink to someone who wants coffee, it’s more of a dessert and extremely rich. The taste reminded me of a warm apple crisp, which I typed before I realized that is literally the name of the drink.

Baked Apple Croissant
The first bite of the apple croissant was tasty because of how warm and gooey it was. The apple croissant’s look can make someone think of apple pie. I wouldn’t suggest this snack if you don’t like apple pie, but if you do, then this is for you. It has an exact apple pie flavor with the warm apple and cinnamon toppings.
Pumpkin & Pepita Loaf

By the looks of the loaf, one would assume the bread tastes like bird food. After my first bite, I was suddenly back to third-grade hearing, “don’t judge a book by its cover”. This pumpkin loaf was the perfect consistency. It’s not dry but not too moist at the same time. The flavoring itself reminds me a lot of the pumpkin chai tea latte which is another of my personal favorites. If you like pumpkin and a nice filling snack, order this!