Jameson Patten is a freshman at Grand Ledge High School. He is 15 years old and was born
on November 29th 2005. He has 3 siblings Anthony(22), Elliott(20) and Amelia(16), and he also
has two Dogs and two Cats. Jameson attended to Beagle Elementary School through 6th grade
and Hayes Middle School from 7th-8th grade.
Jameson didn’t ask to be put in this class. He didn’t put it on his schedule, he just kinda got
forced into it. Jameson plays two sports Baseball and Football. Jameson enjoys playing these
sports and training for them, it helps him get his minds off things like school. He also enjoys
playing these sports with friends and practicing. Jameson is also a very big fan of the Las Vegas
Raiders, and enjoys cheering them on. Also, Jameson enjoys playing video games in his free
time. Some of his favorite games are Madden and 2K.