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The Comets' Tale

The Student News Site of Grand Ledge High School

The Student News Site of Grand Ledge High School

The Comets' Tale

The Student News Site of Grand Ledge High School

The Comets' Tale

Hunter Moore

Hunter Moore, Staff Writer

"Who is Hunter"

"Well I am a student,Athlete, and a gamer".

Hunter, Born February 19th 2004, has done a lot to improve. A very long and bumpy road has now led him to be a junior at Grand Ledge High School. He now has lots of decisions to make moving forward in life, His father and mother both want him to go to college on a scholarship for baseball. He has to consider the pros and cons of going to school on scholarship or investing his time and money in trade school. The biggest debate he has is if he wants to live a life full of debt from student loans and anything else that is being racked up to get the degree you really want, or does he want to go into trade if he does not get a scholarship and spend long hours working in dangerous situations and working in extreme weather conditions. But at the end of the day he may be leaning more toward trade school.

All content by Hunter Moore